Any writer’s success depends on positive reviews, thank you!
Jennifer rated it 5 Stars
Loved her writing style and storytelling! A great memoir!
Lucy Reoh rated it 5 Stars
Diane’s debut novel is a rich portrayal of her life’s journey from early childhood to present day. From the very beginning her life was littered with difficulties imposed on her by dysfunctional family members. The artwork of her life circumstances could have easily painted her as a victim. Instead, she chose to be the victor. Rather than succumb to her circumstances, she bravely hurdled each roadblock coming out on top. Her resolve to be successful carried her through.
Steve Jenkins rated it 5 Stars
Diane Morrison is a brutally honest story teller
I really enjoy a good biography or autobiography! It’s like watching someone else live a life that you couldn’t imagine to be true. Diane tells an intriguing story about herself and growing up as an everyday Diva. She has a really easy writing style that grabs your heart and then gives that brutal twist of truth to set the stage for her next Diva moment. You can’t wait to turn the page to see what she’s up to next.
Anyone that knows a diva will get a kick out of 7-Lives: A Divas Story. You will recognize the persona quickly and easily fall in love with Diane and this book. There are some very poignant moments that will make you both laugh and cry. She obviously has led a very interesting life, with many more adventures ahead of her. I can’t wait for her next book. I’m certain this Diva has many more stories to share with us, at least I true hope she will give us more to devour.
Sunny Wells rated it 5 Stars
Diane Morrison encourages the reader to “take the risk to be brave enough to live artfully.” Reading her memoir was a delightful experience, and even those of us who are not risk-takers can learn to leave our comfort zones and live our authentic lives; to become divas, as it were, in our own ways.
Alex Glassman rated it 5 Stars
Diane’s writing style drew me into her personal journey quickly. I literally had trouble putting her novel/memoir down! Written in present tense, the book is riveting, heart wrenching, and humorous. You will enjoy the read!
“Diane’s debut novel is a rich portrayal of her life’s journey from early childhood to present day. From the very beginning her life was littered with difficulties imposed on her by dysfunctional family members. The artwork of her life circumstances could have easily painted her as a victim. Instead, she chose to be the victor. Rather than succumb to her circumstances, she bravely hurdled each roadblock coming out on top. Her resolve to be successful carried her through. Her writing style draws you into her personal journey. This honest account of her life required a level of vulnerability which creates an intimacy with her reader. The drama of her life both entertains and moves you. There were times I was laughing out loud at her comical predicaments. Still others were poignant and deeply touching. This book was an enjoyable and entertaining read. It is sprinkled throughout with descriptive gems that draw you into each period of her journey. It’s a wonderful account of her life swept up into words and crafted into a memorable story.”
“Diane, I love it! Had no idea what an amazing writer you are! I can hear your voice as I read it. Heart wrenching and humorous. My ribs hurt from laughing…”
“I’m loving your book Diane! I downloaded the Amazon Kindle. It just spoke to me. You’re just an incredible writer, so good!”
“Enjoyed, and a pleasure indeed. But more so, because of your openness and vulnerability, reading it has allowed me to get to know you, as you, vs Alex’s relationship, and invited me to look further into my inner spaces.”
“Your post about the book made me think about sneaking those Newport cigarettes in the attic. So proud of my big sis!”
“What is a “Diva”? In her well-written and entertaining memoir, Diane Morrison truly redefines the term “Diva”. Heart wrenching and humorous, Seven Lives: A Diva’s Story profiles the author’s journey from a childhood of betrayal to a fiercely independent and successful entrepreneur.”